Monday, 17 February 2014

I miss this.

Right now we are visiting for the week.  No one told me that even coming back to visit would be hard. You would think that visiting would just be a fun happy ordeal. Again it feels like my heart is in two places.
Yesterday we went back to our old church for a visit. Although it was so amazing to see everyone, it was also emotionally draining for me. My heart longs for the feeling of community again. Where church feels like a big family and where you hold each others babies during the service just because you love to see them grow and change.
I guess when we are here I realize all that I am missing in our new life. My husband is such an amazing support through all of this. He keeps reminding me of all the positives that we do have in our new city. I am again reminded of 1 Thessolians 5:16-18

Always be joyful. Never stop praying.
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus,

I know God has a plan and that we followed His will by moving. I know we will make more friends and connections and build community. It's just this in between phase that is tough.
Although I have a few sad moments, I am really enjoying our visit and having a lot of fun! Today we are taking Sadie swimming for the first time.
Happy Monday!
Mel xo

Here are some photos of Sadie's Valentines photo shoot. She mostly wanted to eat the hearts!


Thursday, 13 February 2014

7 months old

Today Sadie is 7 months old. The time keeps passing so fast. I am trying my best to treasure each moment. Sometimes the dishes sit in the sink and the floors stay dirty since playing with and snuggling my baby girl just seem way more important. I love being a mama to my girl. I am so blessed that I am able to stay home with her. Motherhood has had its challenging moments but I truly feel like this is what God has called me to do at this point in my life. I don't take the blessing of her lightly. Every day I thank God for her. Even though some days I don't accomplish much other than taking care of her; it is the most fulfilling job in the world. It feels like our life has really slowed down now that we have moved. It won't be like this forever but at this point we are really enjoying all our time together. We are so happy that Mika has a job that enables him to spend so much time with us on his days off.

Sadie you have such a fun personality that is emerging already. You smile and laugh all day long. You can sit by yourself and grab lots toys and small things. You love to sit in your high chair while I cook and play with mixing cups. You love to grab your toes and chew on them. I think your most favorite toy is the wipes container. You love the crunchy noise that it makes and you are always trying to grab it. It's the one thing you aren't allowed to chew on! Oh and you really loves tags. Tags on anything are one of your favorite things to chew on as well.
When Daddy comes home from work you give him the biggest grin and you can't stop looking for him. Right now you weigh 20 lbs and are 27 inches long! Such a big girl.
You are the constant joy that lights up our life.
You are our world.
We love to you to the moon and back.

Here is Sadie's 7 month photo shoot. She would not stop trying to eat the 7 month sign. I also had some Valentine hearts up, but she ripped those to shreds before I could even take a photo! I think we might need to have a redo of this one!
Not the dreamy photo shoot I had in mind...!

The most serious she has ever looked in a photo.

"Mom do my arm flails look ok this shot?"

Mel xo

Tuesday, 11 February 2014



Obsessing over: making crafts. I have always loved creating and crafting but lately I can't stop for some reason. Maybe it's all this cold weather that has me cooped up inside.

Reading: Spirit Led Parenting - This book is a must read for sure! It is the best parenting book I have read so far. Well I have only read a handful in my 7 months of being a mama but this is by far the best approach to parenting I have read. It is a book geared to first time moms. A short summary is...
We ask God for advice on lots of stuff in our lives like our jobs, our finances, our marriages ect but we sometimes forget to ask him for advice about our babies! Which is totally true... Do you know how many hours I have spent on mommy blogs or boards looking for advice on things like "sleep regression, teething, nursing at night, sleeping through the night". I never really thought to pray and ask God how I should deal with these issues. Silly now that I think of it.
I am also reading the Matched series. An easy read but keeps you interested!

Working on: Being more intentional about being a "spirit led" parent. I am trying to pray about any issues to do with Sadie.

Thinking about: A future house. Should we build a house or buy one? I am looking forward to planting some roots here in Kamloops. I think I will feel more rooted once we have a home to call our own!

Anticipating: Sadie's first Valentine's Day. I love Valentine's Day even if its cheesy! We are going to go on a family date to Tracycakes to celebrate.
 My hubby is on holidays starting on Friday and we are heading back to the coast for a visit! I am really looking forward to that as well. Can't wait to see my fam. :)
Sadie's first craft!

EatingCooking has been a little boring here lately. Mika has worked some extra night shifts so that's probably why! When he works nights I don't cook. Tonight I had quinoa taco salad. Since that was too healthy I had to eat some cupcakes after. ;)

Praying for: connection. community. not feeling so "new". a place to call home.

Wishing for: SPRING! Is winter over yet? I am so done with snow and coldness and fuzzy hair from wearing cute knit hair accessories.

Mel xo

I'll leave you with a couple shots of my Sadie girl from this week.

Be still my heart. 

Her little personality is emerging more and more every day!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Button Earrings

Mika has been working some extra shifts this week and it's been pretty chilly out so I have been busy crafting! I saw these on Pinterest and I just had to make these adorable button earrings. They were super easy and fast. I love a craft that gives you instant gratification. It makes me feel accomplished. I know my husband is so proud when he comes home and I show him alllll the button earrings I created. Who needs to do housework anyway? :)

I thought I would share the button earring love with some of my friends. Even though Valentine's Day is pretty cheesy I still love it. I am looking forward to our 1st Valentine's Day with our Sadie girl.

You can get the free printable here!
What have you crafted lately? Up next on the blog is my hutch re-do. I gave it a little touch of spring!

Mel xo

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Sew crafty!

Yesterday I blogged about a pile of cute scrap fabric that I was going to create into something wonderful!
So last night I made this.....!

It really didn't take too long and was pretty simple. I just cut the fabric into 2 " strips and wound them around until they looked just right. I'm not into tutorials so if you need more instructions check out Pinterest for more ideas. It's so cute that I couldn't part with it and hang it on our door out in the cold so I hung it on our wall. A little touch of spring indoors!

was brave and tried out a new colour..mustard yellow!
I kinda like it :)

Well I am going to watch some Netflix and work on my next crafting project...Button earrings..Seriously so adorable. Will post more later! Luckily my hubby got called into work so I don't have to feel like I'm neglecting him with all this crafting going on.


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

You are my sunshine.

Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. I think he blessed us with such a smiley, happy baby for a reason. He knows our needs. Moving has been a hard adjustment for me. Some mornings I wake up and feel quite weary but then I hear our Sadie girl talking to herself in her crib and I am instantly reminded how blessed I am. When Sadie smiles my heart melts and all the weariness is stripped away.
I am so thankful for her.
Sadie you are my sunshine.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
So much love.

This is how happy you wake up every day!

My 1st knitting project is completed!

Up next on the blog. I am going to turn these beauty fabric scraps into something fun and springy! Well Miss S is awake from her nap so mama time is over for now!

Hint- this will hang from my door
Hint- these pretties will adorn some ears eventually

Monday, 3 February 2014

Saturday Finds!

My Mom is here visiting us this weekend. One of our favourite things to do together is go thrifting! I'm not sure why we love it so much but we always have way too much fun.
 We had some good finds on Saturday. I picked up a cute floral sweater for spring. (Which I'm dreaming of already) a cute little rod iron planter, a wicker mirror for Sadie's room, a Melissa & Doug xylophone for Sadie to play with when she's bigger, and a shabby chic mirror that I might turn into a chalkboard! 
Total cost= $25

I think I'll plant a herb in my planter.

New sweater for spring! Don't let the sun fool you! 
It's cold! 

Going go make this into a chalkboard! Only $2.50!
