Thursday 13 February 2014

7 months old

Today Sadie is 7 months old. The time keeps passing so fast. I am trying my best to treasure each moment. Sometimes the dishes sit in the sink and the floors stay dirty since playing with and snuggling my baby girl just seem way more important. I love being a mama to my girl. I am so blessed that I am able to stay home with her. Motherhood has had its challenging moments but I truly feel like this is what God has called me to do at this point in my life. I don't take the blessing of her lightly. Every day I thank God for her. Even though some days I don't accomplish much other than taking care of her; it is the most fulfilling job in the world. It feels like our life has really slowed down now that we have moved. It won't be like this forever but at this point we are really enjoying all our time together. We are so happy that Mika has a job that enables him to spend so much time with us on his days off.

Sadie you have such a fun personality that is emerging already. You smile and laugh all day long. You can sit by yourself and grab lots toys and small things. You love to sit in your high chair while I cook and play with mixing cups. You love to grab your toes and chew on them. I think your most favorite toy is the wipes container. You love the crunchy noise that it makes and you are always trying to grab it. It's the one thing you aren't allowed to chew on! Oh and you really loves tags. Tags on anything are one of your favorite things to chew on as well.
When Daddy comes home from work you give him the biggest grin and you can't stop looking for him. Right now you weigh 20 lbs and are 27 inches long! Such a big girl.
You are the constant joy that lights up our life.
You are our world.
We love to you to the moon and back.

Here is Sadie's 7 month photo shoot. She would not stop trying to eat the 7 month sign. I also had some Valentine hearts up, but she ripped those to shreds before I could even take a photo! I think we might need to have a redo of this one!
Not the dreamy photo shoot I had in mind...!

The most serious she has ever looked in a photo.

"Mom do my arm flails look ok this shot?"

Mel xo

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